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来源:恒企网校 2021-08-18 眼睛 115浏览



  一、题干:[单选题]Which of the following would raise ethical issues for a manufacturer of fast-moving consumer goods?()

  (1) The materials used in manufacture of the goods

  (2) The role of regulatory and professional bodies

  (3) The quality of the goods

  (4) How much its raw materials suppliers pay their staff

  (5) How the goods are packaged

  选项:A. (1) and (3) only

  B. (1) (2) and (4) only

  C. (1)(2)(3)(4) and (5)

  D. (2) (4) and (5) only


  恒企解析:These are all potential ethical issues. Materials used impacts on product safety and eco-friendliness (eg for recycling). Quality is a safety and customer satisfaction issues. Advertising poses issues of truth and non-manipulation. You may have hesitated over supplier labour practices, but this is a key area of ethical sourcing. It can cause significant damage to corporate reputations. Packaging raises issues of safety/perishability, eco-friendliness and truthful product labelling.

  acca考试F1科目模拟试题知识点:The role of regulatory and professional bodies

  二、题干:[单选题]You have been asked to work on a major investment decision that your company will be making, and discover that your sister-in-law is the managing director of a firm that may benefit from the outcome of the decision. You have no intention of allowing this to influence the advice your give your firm, and you know that your sister-in-law will not try to influence you in any way.

  What professional quality would make you consider handing this task to a colleague or otherwise raising questions with your superiors?()

  选项:A.Independence in appearance

  B.Social responsibility

  C.Independence of mind



  恒企解析:Independence in appearance means avoiding situations that could cause a reasonable observer to question your objectivity. In the scenario, this is a risk - while independence of mind (free from actual partiality) isn't. The pure distractors were plausible because of the possibility of raising questions (scepticism) with your superiors (accountability) - but irrelevant.

  acca考试F1科目模拟试题知识点:The role of regulatory and professional bodies



